2020 Leadership Principles

René Lumley-Hall
2 min readDec 6, 2020

Here are the 5 leadership principles I leaned on most in 2020.

We can all probably agree that we had our share of unexpected disruptions and disappointments given the global pandemic, ongoing and more public social and racial injustice, murder hornets as well as the other unusual occurrences I might have left out from my 2020 Bingo card. Recent conversations with friends and colleagues prompted me to think about 5 leadership principles that I found myself leaning on a bit more this year:

  1. Say “Thank You” — Showing appreciation, even for the smallest gesture or task, never goes out of style.
  2. Pick Up the Phone — It’s easy to hide behind email, especially with many of us working from kitchen counters instead of the office. Talk things out, and while you’re at it, turn on your camera.
  3. Cut people some slack — Don’t just save it for your colleagues and friends who are parents now moonlighting as 4th grade math teachers. Look across the board. You never know what personal circumstances or struggles people are battling.
  4. Take a deep breath before sending that email — Another alternative that I employ from time to time is to draft the email and then press DELETE. 😉
  5. Schedule breaks in your day and take them — Our emotional, physical and mental well-being benefit when we allow ourselves time for a walk, a stretch, some fresh air and a bit of hydration. You’ll likely feel refreshed and be more productive afterwards.

What leadership principles resonated most with you this year?

